To ensure the integrity of the certification, the program is administered by a recognized independent third party, Intertek, who periodically performs unannounced visits the member plants and audits individual products. Both structural and nonstructural stud and track products are tested for their mechanical properties, coatings, dimensions, and labels. Panels and trusses are also labeled under the program but are not a certified assembly.

The SFIA program is unlike other certification programs because it has oversight from a group of industry peers composed of manufacturers and non-manufacturers and includes contractors and suppliers/distributors. This, and the high standard of quality assurance provided by the program, make it the only code compliance certification program to be endorsed by the Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries.
A complete list of companies and manufacturing facilities that produce SFIA-Certified cold-formed steel stud and track is found on the Intertek website.
The Steel Framing Industry Association (SFIA) developed the Code Compliance Certification Program to verify that products produced by SFIA member companies meet the requirements of the building code. While building codes vary by jurisdiction, this program follows the most recent international standards published by the International Code Council, the most widely recognized building code authority in North America.
The use of steel framing products in building construction is an intelligent choice with benefits to the contractor, designer, owner and environment. The SFIA is dedicated to helping all stakeholders in our industry to be more successful by unifying the industry and expanding the market for the use of cold-formed steel framing systems through promotion, advocacy, education and innovation.
All Association members manufacturing cold-formed steel structural and/or nonstructural framing are required to participate within the program requirements.
For manufactures with more than one manufacturing plant or facility, each plant or facility producing products must participate in the Code Compliance Certification Program independently. Each participating manufacturing facility shall be subject to audits as outlined in the Program Requirements.
As a partner with SFIA in the administration of the SFIA Code Compliance Certification Program, Intertek has worked with many manufacturers to address various issues of noncompliance with the Program Requirements. This document details the best practices and recommendations that have been the most successful. Implementation of these best practices is not mandatory, but highly encouraged in order to minimize the issues of noncompliance.
Developing effective quality control procedures takes time. Manufacturers should always be looking for ways to improve quality systems and procedures as part of the continuous improvement process. As the Administrator, the team at Intertek works with the manufacturers and contractor/manufacturers to identify and resolve noncompliance issues that are identified during required inspections. For manufacturers who are new to the program, our hope is that this document will provide some guidance based on experience.