The Steel Framing Industry Association (SFIA) is dedicated to expanding the market for cold-formed steel in construction through programs and initiatives that promote the use of cold-formed steel framing as a sustainable and cost-effective solution, advocate the development and acceptance of favorable code provisions, educate members with reliable data and other critical information that is essential to effective business planning, and create a positive environment for innovation.

SFIA Position on Overhead Expenses
The Steel Framing Industry Association is a not-for-profit association. We distribute our Standards free to any interested party for their use. The primary goal of those Standards is the reliability and safety of cold-formed steel framing in building structures and through that, the safety of the public.

Because the SFIA does not use the results of research for profit, nor do we sell reports of the research or derivatives from it, and because our work is performed in the interest of public safety, we take the position that our contribution to research institution indirect costs and overheads should be limited to 15%. SFIA may choose to fund grants or gifts at its discretion.


SFIA is the only organization where members come from virtually every facet of the construction industry, including steel mills, coil coaters, stud and connector manufacturers, component fabricators, engineers, researchers, suppliers/distributors, and builders and framing contractors. This broad membership enables us to identify issues and opportunities, along with programs and solutions that can be effectively implemented across the industry.


The Steel Framing Industry Association Board of Directors ensures that the entire industry supply chain is given a vote in the decision-making process, with guaranteed seats for steel producers, manufacturers, contractors, and suppliers/distributors, and the opportunity for all other member categories to serve on the board as Officers.

2024-25 Officers and Board of Directors

Don Allen
Executive Director SFIA
Jim Collins President ClarkDietrich Building Systems, Inc.
Mike Barker Vice President RAM Steel Framing
Max Ferencz Treasurer MBA Building Supplies, Inc
Matt Pfirman Secretary JN Linrose
Dave Boyd
Director/Small Manufacturer MiTek
BJ Powell Director/Small Manufacturer Studs Unlimited
Eric Griswold Director/Medium Manufacturer State Building Products
Nikhil Amin Director/Medium Manufacturer Metal Resources Holdings, LLC
Kip Craddick Director/Large Manufacturer Mill Steel Framing
Eric Larson Director/Large Manufacturer California Expanded Metals (CEMCO)
Peter Wilhelms Director/Supplier Negwer Materials, Inc.
Lee Zaretzky
Director/Contractor Ronsco, Inc.
John Walburg Director/Steel Mill Representative Nucor Steel (California Steel Industries)

SFIA Councils and Committees

Members of the Steel Framing Industry Association have an opportunity to become directly involved in the association's work through the SFIA's Councils and Committees.  Here, members can learn about issues and trends in specific areas of interest and guide the development of tools and programs that move the industry forward.  The following Committees/Councils are currently active:

SFIA Standards Committee
The SFIA Standards Committee is responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the Association’s ANSI-accredited Standards Development Program. The committee has the responsibility to develop SFIA standards and ballots and oversees compliance with the SFIA Procedures for ANSI-Approved Standards for Cold-Formed Steel Framing (SFIA Procedures). The committee is responsible for routinely and regularly considering and acting on any external feedback that has been received by SFIA on its standards development process and receiving and considering suggested revisions to the SFIA Procedures. The Standards Committee is comprised of a minimum of five members appointed by the SFIA Board of Directors. At least one of the members of the SFIA Standards Committee is to be classified as General Interest, at least one is to be classified as User, and at least one is to be classified as Producer, as defined in the SFIA Procedures.

SFIA Technical Committee
The mission of the SFIA Technical Committee is to develop, advocate, and endorse the development of technical information for the use of cold-formed steel framing; to support industry technical advances through research and development efforts; to assist in SFIA technical education efforts, and to monitor and respond to codes and standards changes that impact the industry. The committee operates as a standing committee and is open to all SFIA members.  One face-to-face meeting is held during the spring SFIA Annual meetings.  One or more other web-based meetings are held throughout the year.

SFIA Manufacturer's Council
The SFIA Manufacturer’s Council was established to provide broad and consistent communications within SFIA and between manufacturer members.  It serves as a forum where ideas for programs and services that focus on the needs of manufacturer members can be introduced, fostered, and implemented.  The Manufacturer’s Council helps SFIA in identifying research needs and communicating them to the SFIA Technical Committee; develops new programs and services specifically to aid manufacturers; and is a liaison with and provides guidance to SFIA staff and other SFIA committees on issues that impact manufacturers of cold-form steel, including two-way communication on the SFIA certification programs. The Manufacturer’s Council is open to all SFIA members who are classified as manufacturers members.  The Council holds an annual face-to-face meeting during the SFIA spring Annual Meetings.  One or more additional web-based meetings are held throughout the rest of the year.

SFIA Compliance Committee
The SFIA Compliance Committee is responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the Association’s Code Compliance Certification Programs.  The committee oversees and periodically reviews the Program Administrator’s performance; formulate general policy to ensure the uniformity and equity of the Compliance Program’s administration; monitors all Applicable Building Codes and Applicable Standards;  recommends updates to the Code Compliance Certification Program to the SFIA Board of Director for final approval.  The Compliance Committee also reviews appeals from manufacturers relative to the Program Requirements or Administrator’s decisions.   The Compliance Committee is comprised of five members appointed by the SFIA  Board of Directors.  The committee is comprised of three manufacturer members, one from each size-category, one contractor member and one distributor member.

BuildSteel Steering Committee
BuildSteel was initiated as a partnership of manufacturers, suppliers, producers and industry organizations offering resources and assistance related to cold-formed steel framed projects.  The program targets building owners, architects, developers, contractors, engineers, local officials, and others to find the solutions that will help projects succeed.  BuildSteel allows us to offer a vast depth of trustworthy framing resources and expertise to make the best decisions for multi-family or commercial building projects.  Resources include marketing information, case studies, cost information, insurance information, a high traffic website, media outreach, and effective use of social media.  The BuildSteel Steering Committee was established to provide oversight and direction to the program.  The Committee is appointed by the SFIA Board of Directors and meets on a monthly basis with SFIA staff and other BuildSteel support contractors through face-to-face meetings and conference calls or web meetings.

If you are interesting in one or more of these groups, please e-mail Holly Mellinger.